The Bread Share is an optional share that can be added to the base Vegetable Share. The Bread is locally made using certified organic farmer-ground flour, & is a sourdough-based bread. The loaves of bread are freshly baked and pre-packed before delivery from our local See & Be Kitchen. All breads come in a full loaf, they are not pre-sliced. The Bread share will be delivered with your vegetables for 22 weeks starting in June and will be one loaf of bread per week.
Local & freshly baked sourdough bread weekly!
The Bread Share delivery will be every week for the 22-week CSA season. One variety of local, sourdough-based bread will be included each week over the entire season. Varieties may include:
Croissant Bread: “We start with our enriched croissant dough and then lightly laminate it with butter and twist it into a loaf of the most crave-worthy bread!” -See&Be Kitchen
Arborio: Better white bread. Still featuring our wild yeast sourdough mother. Pullman loaf style.
Super Seeded: Perfectly dense whole wheat and rye bread with a touch of sweetness from honey. Loaded with pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, poppy, flax, and chia. Makes an amazing breakfast superfood!